About Radial Power

Radial Power is a joint venture between energyRe and Lotus Infrastructure Partners that will deliver best-in-class distributed clean energy solutions to large real estate portfolios—unlocking revenues from underutilized assets, delivering cost savings, and accelerating North America’s energy transition.

States with Projects Under Development

Distributed Energy

Integrated Solutions
Rooftop and community systems
End - to - end programs
Solutions in front of and behind the meter

Radial Power will assist owners of large real estate portfolios in developing programs across multiple state and utility regulatory jurisdictions to achieve their ESG, climate, and renewable energy objectives. Radial Power seeks to provide its partners and customers with both asset and portfolio-level turn-key integrated C&I solutions-- including developed, owned and operated photovoltaic solar, battery energy storage solutions (BESS) and electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions across utility service territories in the continental United States.